Hello pals. Today I bring you my last project, a video I shot with my friend, karateka , producer, camera-man, director... that did not like the result and wishes to remain anonymous. It is a one-shot bunkai where I try to show some ideas that can work with this wonderful kata (my tournament kata , by the way). It did not quite show my ideas in the way I thought it would, but anyway it took many months to produce (people are busy) so I decided to nevertheless make it public. It has grappling, striking and in-fighting so I guess it is quite varied. Have fun! Please, send me criticism that is constructive. I already see many things to improve. I firmly believe the ideas and techniques behind it are useful, but we showed them in a rushed and confusing manner. Sorry for that. PS: Don't forget to check my other bunkai in this blog: Tekki/Naihanchi Nijushiho Uke ideas PS2: We made it to the front page! Yuzenkai @practicalkarateagain in Facebook ...