Yuzenkai China is growing! (10 new Branch Chiefs)

Thanks to the continuous efforts of, now Susheki Shihan, Huanghai to promote Karate in general and GIKKU Yuzenkai in particular in China we received ten applications to be members of this sharing and warm-hearted organization. Omoto Kancho was pleased with the enthusiasm and martial proficiency shown by all candidates so he gave the OK to them. The growth is exponential, and all thanks to hard work, good communication skills and serious training. Here you can check the new Yuzenkai China Branch Chiefs: http://japan-karate.com/china.html Thank you my friend. I wish you great success with your new endeavor. We trust you with the future of Yuzenkai in China! @practicalkarateagain in Facebook @josep_cla in Instagram josep_cla@hotmail.com PS: He just messaged me with news of Dojos interested from Korea!