My fight on video

First of all, thank you to all my partners in Budokan Castellón who helped me prepare for the fight, thanks to Pedro, David, Xufei and specially Sensei Josep Florido for coming with me and helping me on fight night.
Also, thanks to VFL for having me in this event.

I would also thank my sponsors, but...

Coming in.

Spatial awareness run (thanks Ramsey!).

Waiting for an opponent.

Being introduced.

Moving my arms.

Thinking of the tactic.

Where are my gloves?

Well, the experience was amazing!
I got to fight in a cage, in a nice promotion, against a very strong guy and then got to walk home unharmed, sure of having given all I had inside, that was not much.
I gassed out too soon and could not play along very well.

But it doesn't matter. The other guy, Fabio Wellinton, was more experienced, stronger and did a better fight. He was a nice guy before and after the fight and that is important too.

Now, the fight:

Oh, yes, he won.
I had a chance of finishing the fight on the first round when I locked that kesa gatame, but could not finish it.

Well, next time!!

Now, time to get on the gi, return to my kata and learn from the experience to make my Karate grow stronger.

There is a Jion bunkai video in the works.
Soon. I promise.

Update October 11th:
Pro video!!!!

@practicalkarateagain in Facebook


  1. Oh, I just realized this was my post number 100!!!


    1. Hi Josep. I have been pupil in the Budokan Gym. I am black belt in traditional jiu jitsu, thanks to Jose Florido, and I have practised grappling, brazilian, and hard style with them. I have practised martial arts in several gyms in Spain, and, in my humble opinion, you are now in one of the best martial arts gym in Spain, because they combine quite well tradition and practice. You are a lucky man standing in this gym.

    2. Gracias Alfredo!
      Llevo menos de un mes en Budokan pero la verdad es que me (mal)tratan muy bien.
      A ver si nos vemos un día y entrenamos juntos.

      Un abrazo!


    Thank you Kancho for your nice words. I will do my best to keep improving.

  3. Hi Josep! I've been getting training of karate classes in Rochdale for 5 months, But I want to get traditional martial arts training how can I?? Please, if you help me it would be very nice for me.


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