Bunkai ideas (stances)

After all the hate mail I received on my hotmail during the last two days regarding my last post, I have decided to fuel the controversy even further by continuing the unorthodox Karate exploration that seems to piss off some people so much.
I work with the resources I have available, and what I find useful I try to share it. If you have another view that works for you, I also want to hear about it.

First of all, I want to thank my MMA Coach Ramsey Dewey for allowing me to post his video here.

He is explaining the hows and whys of some different stances you have available when you are fighting. What I want you to do is explore your kata bunkai using these ideas.

Yes, I know this is not how you explore kata, but just an alternative view that might help you open your mind to other possibilities. 
Worth a try?

@practicalkarateagain in Facebook

PS: thank you Mr Hayes for your IT help


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