A thousand visitors!

I just started a month ago and already got 1000 visits!
Thank you guys all over the world!

It seems that I get most of my visits from the US and from Poland.
I am preparing an article in Polish in collaboration with my Polish fellow karateka. Stay tuned!
Oh! Finally someone from Spain decided to have a look lol. I'll write something in Spanish soon too.

Surprisingly, the most viewed post is about Ashihara. That was a nice evening...

I hope to get comments on my book too. As many as possible.

And please, subscribe!
Only my friend Karashira Sensei has done it so far...


The Facebook page is working well and helping a lot.
More than 130 visits in 2 days!

And some visitors from Japan. This is getting better by the day!

Update 2:
Oh, boy!
More than 3000 visits, peaks of 621 visits PER DAY and more than 700 downloads of my book and bunkai chapters.
I am a celebrity!


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